O' soul, trust in the love of Christ for it will never fail you. It will securely hold you in the gales of life. Tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or perils or storms -- none of these things shall be able to separate you from Him. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. His love will bear us up on eagles wings. It will make smooth the rough paths. It will give strength to the fainting heart. It will preserve us while in the midst of temptation; and even when we have come short of our own expectations, when we realize that we have in a measure failed, that love will not cast us off, but will hold us safe and secure until the end.
Enjoy His riches and never faint
For you are His child; a born-again saint.
Go to Him often, for He is there
With arms wide open, full of loving care.
He is merciful -- flee to Him swiftly
Linger not in the field of snares;
He will guide and direct your footsteps
And may even carry you for hours and hours.
Copyright by Jettie C. Hess